New Day New Start

Looks like my first, and only blog was four months ago! I had great intentions to make blogging routine, then life happens! I also have a bit of WordPress learning to do so that I can add photos and graphics, and I should probably type in Word and then copy and paste here…. but, a new day, a new start! Sustainability, so fascinating, so many areas to touch on! There’s power, water, materials, pollution, land, sea, food…. even life, and so on and so on.

I mention life because that was my biggest obstacle in the last four months…. Do you have enough money to live out your end of life? As the population tends to live longer, our money needs to live longer too (so to speak).

My mom moved to an Assisted Living facility a year ago. With her savings and Social Security she should have been able to survive to end of life. But, two months after moving, she had a stroke. That meant her level of care increased…. meaning the costs went up. So to make a long story short, mom’s costs went up and mom went through all of her savings. Mom passed away last month. But it sure was an eye opener to plan for the future! My recommendation is to own property, have a retirement fund, have life insurance, and live life!

Is money sustainable, is living sustainable, is life sustainable…. these are just a few questions that I considered as mom was nearing her end-of-life.

I am part of the “baby boomer” generation and as our generation moves into the “Senior” or “Elder” segment there is a huge….yes huge…. industry that needs to vastly expand. More on this later! Thanks for reading!

#newdaynewstart #sustainability #sustainablelife #sustainableliving #ownproperty #retirement #babyboomer #sustainablemoney #seniorcare #eldercare #seniorsegment #seniorindustry #livelife #writingisfun